Hair Transplant at Dr Art Clinic by Trychoestetyka
- Scalp Hair Transplant
- Beard Hair Transplant
- Eyebrow Hair Transplant
- Trichological Treatments
- Professional Post-Transplant Care

Dr Art Clinic
We provide a comprehensive hair transplant service, covering everything from consultation, transportation, and accommodation to the procedure itself and post-procedure care.

Years of experience in trichology have enabled us to create a world-class clinic.

Scalp Hair Transplant with Post-Transplant Care
We offer procedures using the FUE and DHI methods. We specialize in hair transplants for the scalp, eyebrows, and beard. Which method is best for you? What are the contraindications for a hair transplant? Take advantage of a free consultation.
Beard Hair Transplant
A beard doesn’t always grow as we’d like or in the areas it should. Often, genetics or skin conditions are the cause. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to learn more and see if a transplant is the only solution.

Trichological Treatments
A hair transplant is a last resort; sometimes hair loss issues are due to various conditions. If you've had a transplant, it’s worth ensuring follow-up care with a trichologist. We offer treatments at our clinic in Wrocław.
Eyebrow Hair Transplant
Sometimes we struggle with problematic eyebrows or have considered (or undergone) permanent eyebrow tattooing. We believe this isn’t the best solution. Want to learn more?

Use the Contact Form to Schedule an Appointment or Take Advantage of a Free Pre-Transplant Trichological Qualification
DrArt Clinic Poland
by TrychoEstetyka
Magdalena Marszałek
ul. Księcia Witolda 52a
50-203 Wrocław
mon. 12:00-20:00
tue.-fri. 10:00-20:00
saturday 10:00-15:00
sunday close
Book an Appointment
Appointments should be scheduled and confirmed by phone:
Tel: +48 573 166 503
Tel: +48 792 697 310
Tel: +48 724 882 704